1. Held 2nd Board Meeting on Tuesday night:
    • Still working on budget, but much closer to voting on it now
    • I am working on getting the nonprofit incorporation paperwork filed with the State, as well as the obtaining a federal Tax ID number.
    • Name badges: Nan will be ordering name badges for the chorus. The chorus will pay for badges for performing members.
    • Nan is going to be sending out an email soliciting size information for ordering tshirts for AC&C – Cost TBD
    • Jeanne is working on getting the National Anthem for us to learn.
    • We discussed the Charter Party, will likely happen in late June/mid July
    • We agreed it would be a good idea to reach out to local media regarding the charter party/our existence.
    • We are going to order more business cards.
    • We reviewed welcome letters that Nan has drafted for new performing and non-performing members.
    • We discussed some fundraising ideas, such as Scrip and concessions at Lugnuts or MSU game
  2. The Area Director has HI Sing magnets for cars available now. They are $2.50 each. If you are interested in ordering any let me know how many by June 1. I will pick them up at AC&C. They are still figuring out payment organization.
  3. Discussed new potential members/guests