1. Status of Chartering
    • Bylaws and Standing Rules / Appendix A have been unanimously approved will be on the website once signed by Mary
    • Liz Meeker and Leslie Markham have both been unanimously approved as performing members, Liz from afar in NH.  Welcome, Leslie!
    • This brings us to nine performing members (Jeanne, Lisa, Nan, Angie, Gina, Michelle, Leslie, Liz and me), and two non-performing members (Sandy Recker, Samantha Arten), for a total of eleven members.
    • We have also received membership applications from four additional non-performing members (Diane Patterson, Deb Bartol, and Betsy Westgate, Deb Densmore), which if approved will bring us up to fifteen members, which is enough for us to charter! l be a non-performing member.
  2. Membership Leads: Both Angie and Michelle also have leads on potential future members, which is fabulous!  Let’s keep that membership snowball rolling!
  3. Condolence Card: Sandy’s mother passed away last week.  Angie will bring a card for us to sign next week.
  4. AC&C Update:
    • Jeanne and Mark have a room with a King bed for Thurs – Sun.
    • Nan and Lisa have a room with two beds for Fri-Sun.  Michelle and I wlll be joining them for those nights.
    • Lynn (Jeanne’s friend from Chicago) has a room with two beds for Thurs – Saturday nights.  I will be in Lynn’s room on Thursday night.  Gina will join her for Friday night, and Gina will have the room to herself for Saturday night.
    • Liz has a room with a king bed.
    • Leslie, if you and Jeff come, we will find a room for you.
    • A quick reminder that our assigned decade is the 60s for Saturday night’s dinner, and we will be performing Sweet Caroline that evening.
  5. Listserv Update: The technology committee (Lisa) is looking for an alternative to our listserv, since it’s being unreliable. More info to come.