- Bylaws – HI has approved the chapter bylaws and so we are ready to have the members vote on whether to approve them and the Standing Rules and Appendix A. Voting will be done electronically so that non-performing and/or long-distance members will be able to participate in the voting.
- Status of Charter: We have four prospective non-performing members and one long-distance performing member (a tenor!) That, with Sandy and Samantha, will bring us to 14 members! Once we have approved these new members then we will need to submit a form to HI with a chapter registration fee and the annual fee for liability insurance. After that, HI will charter us.
- Rehearsal Recordings: In light of the fact that we have a prospective long-distance, performing member, the Board discussed recording rehearsals and uploading them onto a private YouTube channel so they can participate/learn the music.
- Music Team: Jeanne, as Director, has begun staffing the Music Team.
- Area 4 Contest and Convention: Rooming options were discussed.
- Review of first Board meeting:
- Minutes are available for anyone who would like all the details, but I will cover the important points here.
- Under my authority as President, I appointed three committee chairs and the Board ratified these appointments
- Membership Committee – Angie
- Technical Committee – Lisa
- Marketing Committee – Nan
- FY 24-25 budget was discussed, and a few action items were identified to be completed before we can finalize the budget.
- Jeanne provided and update on her recent attendance at the Area 2 conference, including advice from Paul Ellinger, who is a performance judge with BHS and who has taught several HIVE classes on recruiting chorus members. We decided to explore holding a joint social gathering/HIVE class viewing party to learn more from Paul on this topic. You all should have received an email from Nan about this earlier this week.
- We discussed getting name badges for members, and we will be looking into options for this.
- It was decided that we would like to provide for members to be able to pay their chapter dues online via Venmo (PayPal charges a fee).
April 25, 2024