1. Area 4 President’s Meeting Update
    • Discussed proposed schedules for next year’s AC&C and what classes people were interested in.
  2. We held a strategy session recently, attended by all of Board except Sandy, who we were in touch with via text messaging. We started by watching a HIVE class regarding fundraising which kind of blew our minds. Ultimately we drafted a proposed mission statement for the chorus and identified three areas that we want to focus on as our chorus progresses, and we would like your feedback on them.
    • Mission Statement: Creating a supportive community of women through vocal harmony.
    • Focus Areas: Vocal quality, community relevance, membership growth.
  3. Survey on rehearsal location – watch for email and complete ASAP, please.
  4. Lansing’s men’s barbershop choir is holding a paid performance on 12/13/24, which is the 2nd Friday in December, in St. Johns, MI. Jeanne approached them regarding having us perform as well and they are taking the question to their membership. SAVE THE DATE!
  5. We are in need of a Performance Committee Chair. Angie and Michelle have volunteered for this.
  6. Rehearsal etiquette – More info to come, but in light of the election season, we are reminding everyone that Harmony Inc does not take political stances, so please let’s leave politics of any sort outside of the rehearsal space to keep it a comfortable place for everyone.
  7. Our next Board meeting is Tuesday, 9/17/24 at 6pm at Jeanne’s house.
  8. Coaching opportunity coming up on 8/25/24 and 8/26/24